Apagala! = Turn It Off!
David F. Marx. Children's Press(CT), $19.5 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-516-22361-2
PreS-Gr 2-In this easy reader, the author and illustrator provide a simple but spirited campaign to inspire children turn off their TVs. Using a few carefully chosen words coupled with humorous artwork, the book depicts all of the negative aspects of TV abuse: tired eyes, fatigue from staying up too late, aching body from sitting still, homework left undone, and missing out on fun with friends are just a few. "" Ap gala!"" (""Turn it off!"") the author exhorts. If you do, he promises, you'll be surprised at how many interesting things you'll find to do instead. Cartoonlike watercolors will delight young readers. Vocabulary list appears on last page. Recommended for school libraries and bookstores. M.O.B.
Reviewed on: 05/29/2006
Genre: Children's
Library Binding - 31 pages - 978-0-516-22229-5
Paperback - 32 pages - 978-0-516-27296-2