cover image From Letter to Letter

From Letter to Letter

Teri Sloat. Dutton Books, $13.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-525-44518-0

Each page of this entrancing, original alphabet book offers the reader a baker's dozen or more of word pictures that spill from uppercase to lowercase. A large block letter K , for example, is stuffed with pictures of kittens, keyholes and kites, while jaunty kangaroos wearing karate robes leap from the large K to the small k where they frolic with licorice-nosed koalas. The cobwebs from dusty W windows are attached to a small w wedding of a wizard to a witch. An incomplete list of words appears at the bottom of each page. The sheer number of pictures will delight children learning vocabulary and sounds, and the illustrations are spectacular, full of verve and inventiveness. All ages. (Sept.)