cover image The Vanished Bride

The Vanished Bride

Bella Ellis. Berkley, $26 (304p) ISBN 978-0-593-09905-6

Set in 1845 Yorkshire, this fine series launch from the pseudonymous Ellis (a nod to Emily Brontë’s pen name of Ellis Bell) portrays the Brontë sisters of Haworth Parsonage as sleuths. Chester Grange, the household of their governess friend, Matilda French, is turned upside down when Matilda’s employer, Elizabeth Chester, disappears and a great deal of blood is found in her room. As the diplomatic Charlotte, the passionate Emily, and the level-headed Anne pursue their inquiries as agents of their invented firm of Bell Brothers and Company, solicitors, they uncover more questions than answers. Was Elizabeth abducted by gypsies? What is the true state of the marriage of Elizabeth and her husband, Robert? What happened to Robert’s first wife, and what of Elizabeth’s life before her marriage? Is Elizabeth alive or dead? Appropriately gothic touches as well as the author’s solid research on the lives and works of the Brontës—including cameos by their dissolute brother, Branwell; their good-hearted father, Patrick; and Charlotte’s clumsy future husband, Arthur Nicholls—enrich a diverting adventure. Brontë aficionados won’t want to miss this one. [em]Agent: Lizzy Kremer, David Higham Assoc. (U.K.). (Sept.) [/em]