cover image The Islands of Elsewhere

The Islands of Elsewhere

Heather Fawcett. Rocky Pond, $17.99 (224p) ISBN 978-0-593530-52-8

Arriving from Vancouver to the tiny town of Misty Cove with their mother and baby brother Theodore, a trio of sisters become immediately enchanted with their ailing grandfather’s bluff-situated property, which overlooks the sea and includes the Fairy Islands: Fairy, Little Fairy, and Ghost. Cast by locals as a magical liminal place, the islands figure prominently in legends about the sisters’ great-great-grandmother Lucy Juniper, a pirate—and possibly a witch—who may have left behind buried treasure. Though scornful of whimsies and unwilling to believe that the girls may be the recipients of familial magic, pragmatic 10-year-old Bee enlists Hattie, 12, and Plum, eight, on a quest to locate the loot, imagining that finding it would allow the family to assist their beloved, increasingly forgetful granddaddy. Via a cozy, magic-dusted family story that features a bewitching setting (the remote village seems to “blend into the wilderness at the edges”), Fawcett (The School Between Winter and Fairyland) creates endearing and affectionate characters with realistic tensions—especially between scientifically minded Bee and her more imaginative family members—whose individual strengths help solve the central mystery. Protagonists default to white. Ages 8–12. Agent: Brianne Johnson, HG Literary. (June)