cover image Dog vs. Strawberry

Dog vs. Strawberry

Nelly Buchet, illus. by Andrea Zuill. Random House Studio, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0593-64312-9

The previous collaborators (Cat Dog Dog) reteam for this enthusiastic love letter to instantly recognizable canine behavior that’s wrapped in a laugh-out-loud sportscast spoof. Dog has been given a plump red strawberry treat by her human, who’s portrayed with brown skin and seen only from the waist down. A breathless, unseen narrator materializes (“Welcome to the greatest race of all time!”) as Dog launches a battle of wills with the fruit, immediately zooming away from Strawberry and tearing around the house in what Buchet’s narrator proclaims is “a strong start,” while Strawberry’s lack of movement is deemed “gorgeous focus.” Even if young readers don’t get all of the heightened language, it makes for a hilarious counterpoint to the comically destructive action unfolding in ink and digitally colored illustrations. As Dog displays “incredible moves.... Unbelievable” and even goes down for a nap, it’s clear that Zuill has unleashed her considerable talents to great effect, creating a cinematic sense of silliness and a winning protagonist whose roly-poly physique, boopable snout, and operatic eyes convey equal parts cunning competitor and genial goofball. Ages 4–8. Agent (for author and illustrator): Erzsi Deak, Hen&ink Literary. (Apr.)