cover image This Book Is Feminist

This Book Is Feminist

Jamia Wilson, illus. by Aurelia Durand. Frances Lincoln, $14.99 paper (160p) ISBN 978-0-7112-5641-5

Billed as an “intersectional primer for next-gen changemakers,” this approachable volume is packed with valuable information to enrich readers’ understanding of the topic, subvert stereotypes, and “acknowledge that identities, experiences, histories, and resources impact our focus and the vantage point that guides our ideas and actions.” Throughout, Wilson gives historical context and statistics, highlights past and contemporary changemakers of various backgrounds and experiences, and defines ideas central to feminist worldviews, while using her own experiences to ground the information, offer insight, and demonstrate personal examples of privilege and growth. Smartly paired with Durand’s bright, bold illustrations, which reinforce the text’s welcoming, inclusive tone, the volume skillfully handles topics including identity, justice, education, money, power, and health, then takes things one step further, providing readers with open-ended reflection questions framed as calls to action (“What does justice look and feel like to you?”). Further resources and examples of activists help drive home the message that young people can be involved, and indeed—that “the revolution will be youth innovated.” Thoughtfully designed and compiled, this volume provides readers new to intersectional feminism with an easily referenced and contextualizing guide. Ages 11–15. (Aug.)