cover image In the Company of Newfies: A Shared Life

In the Company of Newfies: A Shared Life

Rhoda Lerman. Henry Holt & Company, $25 (162pp) ISBN 978-0-8050-3746-3

Ben came into the family as a pet, opening the door to the author's complete devotion to a breed. A decade later, novelist Lerman (Animal Acts) breeds and trains champion Newfoundland dogs in Cazenovia, N.Y. She tells a captivating story of a year spent with a new litter and six adult dogs. It appears that Newfies form an extraordinary bond with humans; Lerman thinks they even regard themselves as human. She gives some remarkable instances of communication between herself and Ben and offers many diverting tales--about Molly and her pups, Ishtar at a dog show, party animal Toby and about the breed in general. Lerman found that, early in this century, Newfies, noted as rescue dogs, were caged at the docks in Halifax for fishermen to rent by the day. (June)