Turning Home: A Memoir
Susanna Tamaro. Crossroad Publishing Company, $14.95 (96pp) ISBN 978-0-8245-1902-5
Italian novelist Susanna Tamaro discusses her spiritual journey in Turning Home: A Memoir, from Crossroad. While other spiritual autobiographies trip the light fantastic with humor and inspirational anecdotes, this weighty account is refreshingly, relentlessly dark. Chapters are short two pages maximum but heavy, reflecting on evil and the unwavering reality of death. (""Will we still be brother and sister when we're skeletons?"" the author asked her older brother when they were children.) While not for the faint of heart, those who are intimately familiar with the ""long dark night of the soul"" will appreciate these brief confessions.
Reviewed on: 06/01/2001
Genre: Religion