cover image If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe

If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe

Jason Pargin. St. Martin’s, $28.99 (432p) ISBN 978-1-250-19582-1

Reintroducing readers to catchers of cosmic chaos Dave, John, and Amy, Pargin (Zoe Punches the Future in the Dick) once again delights with scathing social commentary thinly disguised as an outrageous action novel. The trio of heroes have been keeping busyish in their work as investigators and streamers of the possibly paranormal phenomena in the American city of Undisclosed. Their latest job leads them to the Galveston family, whose nine-year-old daughter, Gracie, is being strangely affected by her trendy new toy, Magpie, an egg players have to feed, via app, until it “hatches” into a stuffed animal. Of course, things go sideways, fast, as the intrepid heroes begin experiencing déjà vu and missing time in the search for the demonic suspect, Xarcrax. Pargin delivers his signature bizarre and vivid visuals (“Into view stepped a man playing a guitar that was covered in thick black fur, wearing a mask of chiseled black stone, a vest of human foreskins, a winged speedo like the one Sting wore in Dune, thigh-high leather boots, and nothing else”) alongside a bold, frank examination of societal norms that perpetuate cycles of poverty, helplessness, and generational trauma. This is a feast. Agent: Scott Miller, Trident Media. (Oct.)