cover image The House of Last Resort

The House of Last Resort

Christopher Golden. St. Martin’s, $29 (304p) ISBN 978-1-250-28589-8

Golden (All Hallows) returns to top form in this creative haunted-house thriller set in the small Sicilian town of Becchina. A municipal initiative to attract new blood to what has begun to resemble a ghost town offers newcomers the property of their choice in exchange for a single euro and a promise that they will spend money on renovations and stay for at least five years. Among the first to seize the opportunity are Americans Tommy and Kate Puglisi, drawn by the fact that Tommy’s grandparents are from Becchina and live there still. The move proves questionable from the moment the couple arrives at their new home, however. They’re badly rattled by a powerful earthquake, and Tommy’s grandmother is upset at their choice of house for reasons she doesn’t explain, though she is adamant that it’s not suitable for children. Soon, the couple start hearing strange noises and learn that the property, once owned by the church, and known as the “House of Last Resort,” has a dark history. Golden evokes chills without relying on cliches and makes suspending disbelief easy through skillful characterizations of the leads. Horror fans should check this out. (Jan.)