cover image Daughter of the Bone Forest

Daughter of the Bone Forest

Jasmine Skye. Macmillan/Feiwel and Friends, $19.99 (432p) ISBN 978-1-250-87245-6

Seventeen-year-old Rosy Holt, who has the rare ability to shift into a powerful bone wolf, wants nothing to do with the Cursed Kingdom and its prophesied war, preferring a simple life at the family horse ranch. When she saves the life of Princess Shaw Colchuck, however, Rosy is offered a spot at the prestigious Witch Hall, where the brightest witches and familiars of the Cursed Kingdom master their magic. She reluctantly accepts, hoping to make the connections required to bring her exiled grandmother home. But Rosy struggles adapting to the unfamiliar rules of noble society and hides her power as a bone familiar to avoid being drafted. Her plans are thrown into chaos when Shaw, the sole heir to the throne, chooses to court Rosy to further her own mysterious goals. As war looms, the two must learn to trust each other with their closest secrets to unlock their magic’s true potential. Richly rendered characters, an inventive magic system, and Rosy and Shaw’s sweetly budding and emotionally fraught relationship add verve to this queernormative fantasy adventure, in which debut author Skye perfunctorily explores themes of class discrimination and military indoctrination. Rosy cues as white; Shaw is described as having sepia skin and brown hair. Ages 13–up. Agent: Mary C. Moore, Aevitas Creative Management. (Feb.)