cover image Not Yet: The Story of an Unstoppable Skater

Not Yet: The Story of an Unstoppable Skater

Zahra Lari and Hadley Davis, illus. by Sara Alfageeh. Orchard, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-338-86520-2

Per an author’s note, Emirati figure skater Zahra Lari (b. 1995) was inspired to take up the sport after seeing the movie Ice Princess, written by cocreator Davis. In their uplifting collaboration, the pair narrate a story of true determination as Lari, the first skater to internationally compete in a hijab, prepares to take the ice for the first time. Opening pages begin with the protagonist’s exposure to the sport, which prompts an announcement: “I’m going to be a figure skater.” When her brother wryly observes that she doesn’t even know how to skate, her response—“not yet”—becomes the book’s refrain. Other family members are similarly dubious, but Dad proves more supportive, and though Lari falls repeatedly during her initial skate, closing scenes that move abruptly on from this first effort show the eventual fruits of her labors. Alfageeh’s digital renderings have inky outlines and amplify the titular refrain with lettering that takes on the shape of clouds or flowing textiles throughout this truncated, but no less triumphant, account. Creators’ notes conclude. Ages 4–8. (Feb.)