cover image Milo Walking

Milo Walking

James Howe, illus. by Sakika Kikuchi. Abrams, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-4197-5520-0

Curly headed Milo and his mother, both portrayed with light brown skin, walk the same neighborhood route every morning. “But what they see is never the same,” writes Howe (Bunnicula). One day, a rainstorm leaves “this puddle for me to find,” Milo says as he touches his reflection in it. Indeed, opportunities for quiet wonder appear everywhere (in the hum of bees pollinating a field of yellow flowers, the sound of a speckled and red-headed woodpecker, as well as the feel of a friendly dog who expresses her affection for Milo with a slobbery tongue), and perceiving them inspires in Milo generosity as well as joy. Sensing that a familiar tree “looks sad,” he offers it a hug and the reassurance that “I will see you tomorrow and you will be happy.” Returning home, Milo and his mom create a story about their journey entitled “Milo Walking.” Kikuchi (Show Us Where You Live, Humpback) uses soft pencil and watercolor to create a subdued but warmhearted realism. Combined with the quiet text, the images celebrate a world that seems alive in every way and is full of gifts for all who take the time to notice. Ages 4–8. Author’s agent: Amy Berkower, Writers House. Illustrator’s agent: Jessica Saint Jean, Jill Grinberg Literary. (Nov.)