cover image Rose and Peg Solve a Murder

Rose and Peg Solve a Murder

Laurien Berenson. Kensington, $26 (304p) ISBN 978-1-4967-3578-2

This solid series launch from Berenson, a spin-off from her Melanie Travis canine mysteries, features Melanie’s forthright aunt, Peg Turnbull, a dog show judge in Greenwich, Conn., and Peg’s sister-in-law, Rose Donovan, a former nun who married a former priest. From the moment they first met, the two women disliked each other, their animosity fueled by Rose having never considered Peg to be good enough for her brother. Now, both women are in their 70s, and Peg is widowed. Peg is taken aback when Rose asks Peg to be her partner at a bridge club. “I can’t spend all my time doing good works,” Rose explains, adding, “Besides, bridge isn’t a frivolous game.” Against her better judgement, Peg agrees to take part. Most of their fellow card players are retired and have been teamed together for years. When one of them is murdered, the two ladies decide to investigate. Their sleuthing efforts often take second place to the rapport that builds between the protagonists and the many tips on poodle care and dog training. Fans of the Melanie Travis series will be delighted. (Sept.)