cover image Hearts of Fire and Snow

Hearts of Fire and Snow

David Bowles and Guadalupe García McCall. Bloomsbury, $19.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-54761-004-4

Gregorio “Greg” Chan Ihpotok, an Indigenous Nahua 18-year-old, awakens from a coma with no memory and the certainty that he is a different person than he was before his hospitalization. His supposed guardians assure him that this is normal, though they refuse to elaborate on what is going on around him, instead encouraging him to seek out “the girl who was lost.” Said girl, 17-year-old Blanca Montes, is unhappily dating a boy she’s growing apart from. When Greg transfers to her school, sparks ignite, and the two begin to remember their past lives as ill-fated lovers, Captain Popoca and Princess Iztac. Even as the two grow closer, Greg’s recollections return faster than Blanca’s, leaving the two off-kilter. The appearances of reincarnations from their past coupled with familiar high school drama prompts concerns that the pair might not net a happily ever after in this life either. Commentary surrounding challenges specific to Indigenous communities is integrated via stilted writing and occasionally awkward dialogue. Still, those seeking a Romeo and Juliet–style romance that draws from an iconic Indigenous love story will no doubt enjoy this immersive tale by collaborators Bowles and García McCall (Secret of the Moon Conch). Ages 13–up. Agents: (for Bowles) Taylor Martindale Kean and Stefanie Von Borstel, Full Circle Literary; (for García McCall) Andrea Cascardi, Transatlantic Literary. (June)