Agatha's Feather Bed: Not Just Another Wild Goose Story
Carmen Agra Deedy. Peachtree Publishers, $15.95 (28pp) ISBN 978-1-56145-008-4
Agatha, a sagacious old lady, sells her woven wares and imparts knowledge to all, ``especially children: Everything comes from something, / Nothing comes from nothing .'' This maxim reaches ``six naked geese,'' who are chilly and demand the return of their feathers from Agatha's feather bed. Though ``a little down in the mouth,'' Agatha promises a solution in three days. (The geese, meanwhile, register at the ``Down Town Motel'' where they ``took a gander in the mirror.'') Agatha's solution is inspired, as is Deedy's playful yarn. From its simple beginning--``Do you see that little shop sandwiched between two skyscrapers?''--to its intriguing conclusion--``Where do goose eggs come from, anyway?''--this finely crafted collaboration abounds with information and whimsy. It also teems with puns and word play, much of which may be of greater appeal to grownups than to the book's intended audience. Seeley's atmospheric illustrations are bathed in lavender, giving them a properly old-fashioned tone. Stylized patchwork borders contain examples of Agatha's truism--a flax plant stands by a bolt of linen, a stalk of wheat by a loaf of bread. A ducky book. Ages 4-10. (June)
Reviewed on: 06/03/1991
Genre: Children's
Paperback - 32 pages - 978-1-56145-096-1
Paperback - 28 pages - 978-1-56014-667-4