cover image Reset: Jesus Changes Everything

Reset: Jesus Changes Everything

Nick Hall. Multnomah, $19.99 (208p) ISBN 978-1-60142-908-7

In technology, Hall explains, the reset button clears dead links and allows systems to completely restart. Likewise in religion, preaches Hall, "The offer of a %E2%80%98reset' is exactly what the gospel is about." In 2008, while still in college, Hall founded the evangelical movement Pulse, which emphasized simplicity and resetting the soul through Jesus. Hall, who idolizes Billy Graham and promotes Chick-fil-A, does not offer a unique vision so much as he copies generalities; he boasts of attendance figures at his revivals as proof of his evangelical efficacy. The first third of his book offers sass but little substance; the second part is somewhat more useful. Hall outlines eight personal areas to reset: faith, plans, self-image, relationships, purity, habits, affections, and one's whole generation. Hall's writing style mimics evangelical speaking patterns: parallel lists and litanies join personal and biblical stories in conversational and colloquial cadences ("dude" applies even to Graham). Mercifully, Hall's more enlightening thoughts on faith occasionally beam from behind clouds of clich%C3%A9s. (June)