cover image The Bridge

The Bridge

Rebecca Rogers Maher. Promised Land, $1.99 e-book (79p) ISBN 978-1-62539-048-6

Henry and Christa meet under peculiar circumstances%E2%80%94they've both climbed to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge intending to kill themselves. Henry suffers from clinical depression, and Christa was recently diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer. They each resolve to prevent the other from suicide with a promise to spend the whole day together, doing their favorite things in New York City. They each go through with the plan to save the other's life. But as the day goes on, they find themselves falling in love and finding reasons to live. Maher's novella is intimate and insightful. Henry and Christa come from very different backgrounds, but their despair is palpable. Maher has a deep knowledge of New York City, and the couple's time together is full of the quiet adventures of city natives, making New York an equally important character in the gripping and touching story.