cover image Stranded! A Mostly True Story from Iceland

Stranded! A Mostly True Story from Iceland

ÆVar Þór Benediktsson, illus. by Anne Wilson. Barefoot, $17.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-64686-991-6

Benediktsson’s Icelandic grandfather inspires this “mostly true,” magically buoyed tale of a volcanic excursion that teeters on disaster. An opening bit prompts careful reading: “Everything in this story is true, except for one little thing. See if you can spot it!” The adventure tells of how ÆVar and a companion, both portrayed with pale skin, became stranded on newly formed isle Surtsey with minimal supplies and only the still-flowing lava for warmth. With curving strokes and vibrantly saturated coloring, Wilson’s artwork animates the landscape with impish faces tucked throughout—a nod toward Iceland as “a land of fairies and magic.” Meanwhile, Benediktsson’s folksy narration includes many asides, goading the reader along in search of the story’s single fiction, revealed after a conclusion that enchants with its affirmation of the existence of a mythical “magic wishing moment.” Extensive back matter concludes. Ages 6–10. (Aug.)