cover image Ghost Eaters

Ghost Eaters

Clay McLeod Chapman. Quirk, $20.99 (304p) ISBN 978-1-68369-217-1

Chapman (Whisper Down the Lane) probes the terrorizing psychological grip of addiction, both to drugs and to toxic relationships, in this psychedelic psychological horror novel. Erin has spent most of her adult life entwined with Silas, moving from a romantic attachment into a codependent friendship. Now, she’s just trying to keep him alive after years of addiction. But when he ditches rehab and ignores her intervention attempt, she finally kicks him out of her life—only for him to overdose and die days later. Following this tragedy, one of their mutual friends introduces a guilt-ridden Erin to Ghost, a new drug he and Silas were testing, which enables users to communicate with the dead and lets her to see Silas once more. She soon develops an addiction to Ghost. But the door to the land of the dead lets through more than just Silas—and, it turns out, it’s not so easily closed. Chapman captures the visceral tragedy of drug addiction and grief as he follows Erin through the unhealthy relationships she has with both herself and others. Rife with body horror and hallucinations, some of which may get a bit too trippy for some, the narrative sucks readers into its dark, disorienting world. It’s equal parts moving and gruesome. (Sept.)