cover image Go-Go Guys

Go-Go Guys

Rowboat Watkins. Chronicle, $15.99 (48p) ISBN 978-1-79720-571-7

This latest from the impish imagination of Watkins (Tiny Cedric) stars a trio of Weeble-esque kids portrayed with various skin tones, gaping mouths, and close-set eyes that are determined not to blink. They share a bed, a resistance to sleep, and “Go-Go brains” that “GO...// BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” Together, they emphatically express an earnest desire: “We’re tired of counting/ sheep... and stars.// We want to race around/ in cars!” Soon liberated by a gang of sheep who helpfully smash their house to bits (one entire, bright orange spread is devoted to the wrecking ball’s “KABOOM”), the guys ingeniously fashion a rocket ship from the floating debris and point it toward the moon. Commandeering goofy lunar roving vehicles, they engage in “BEEP! BEEP! Booping!// Smashing! Bashing! Loop-de-looping!” until the vexed and tired moon tells the zoomers to “STOP VROOMING!” and “BLAST OFF TO BED!” Which they do... for a few pages, anyway. With so much visual energy and off-kilter beauty on offer, readers may find their hearts beating faster—every spread exudes a no-grown-ups-in-sight sense of mischief and a magnificent feeling of energetic certitude. Ages 6–9. Agent: Rosemary Stimola, Stimola Literary Studio. (Sept.)