cover image Invisible Things

Invisible Things

Andy J. Pizza and Sophie Miller. Chronicle, $17.99 (52p) ISBN 978-1-79721-520-4

Beginning with the senses and making their way into the feels, Pizza and Miller aim to help readers “SEE THE INVISIBLE” in a picture book that doubles as a body-scan meditation. After inviting readers to “pick up your invisible ‘invisible things’ spotting glasses,” the creators kick off a tour of “ways we can experience and interact with the world.” Among the physically discernible concepts detailed are sounds, smells, tastes, and touch-related sensations. In energetic, meandering prose, the next pages explore internal and external feelings and moods (“The mood of a place is called a VIBE!”), working up to a chart that names feelings such as gratitude, melancholy, and “the blahs.” Throughout, shape-based multimedia illustrations pop atop white backgrounds. On one spread, a series of concentric circles with googly eyes forms an echo; on others, figures with varying skin tones are seen working through interoceptive observations. Concluding with a mention of the grounding that awareness can bring, the creators remind readers to “look with more than your eyes!” Ages 5–8. (July)