cover image The Devil’s Disciples: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure

The Devil’s Disciples: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure

Richard T. Ryan. MX Publishing, $16.99 trade paper (244p) ISBN 978-1-80424-264-3

Ryan’s hit-or-miss eighth Holmes pastiche (after 2022’s The Poisoned Pawn) sacrifices deduction for breakneck action. In 1884, Holmes is asked by Scotland Yard to help end a bombing campaign launched by the Irish Republican Brotherhood that has claimed three lives and threatens to take more. Holmes agrees, and persuades Watson to join him in an undercover operation in which the pair move to London’s East End and ingratiate themselves with the terrorists. With the participation of the British government, Holmes detonates a bomb at 10 Downing Street to demonstrates his proficiency with explosives and gain the Brotherhood’s trust. Michael, the group’s leader, remains unconvinced. Holmes must find a way to win over Michael before the Brotherhood links up with a new bombmaker and ramps up their attacks. Ryan mines a rich vein of British history, packing in intriguing details about the pre-IRA Brotherhood, but there’s not much mystery to speak of, and die-hard fans may have trouble buying a “Holmes goes undercover” plotline given its departure from canon. Ryan has had more success remixing Conan Doyle in the past. (Oct.)