cover image Occupy!: Scenes From Occupied America

Occupy!: Scenes From Occupied America

Edited by Astra Taylor, Keith Gessen, et al.. Verso (Norton, dist.), $14.95 trade paper (218p) ISBN 978-1-84467-940-9

Composed of brief vignettes written by numerous contributors, as well as editors Taylor and Gessen, this volume offers a street level take on Occupy movements across the country. Manissa Maharawal recounts the difficulties in arguing for a change of wording concerning racial inequality in the %E2%80%9CDeclaration of the Occupation of Wall Street%E2%80%9D%E2%80%94%E2%80%9Cto stand in front of a white man and explain privilege to him%E2%80%A6It hurts. It makes you tired%E2%80%A6Sometimes it is exhilarating. Every single time it is hard.%E2%80%9D L.A Kauffman explains the method of %E2%80%9Cconsensus decision-making%E2%80%9D in the General Assemblies, noting that it has been used by activists since the 1970s and practiced by the Quaker Society of Friends for over 300 years. Mark Greif provides a brief history of drum circles and their contentious role in communal living situations; Alex Vitale describes the relationship between police and protesters; and Sunaura Taylor checks in from Occupy Oakland to discuss the challenges of protesting in a wheelchair. Writers from Occupy Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Boston are included as well. The book also features illustrations, photos, and inspiring remarks made at Occupy protests by philosophers Slavoj %C5%BDi%C5%BEek and Judith Butler, and political activist Angela Davis. This insightful and accessible book is perfect for readers who want to know more about the movement from those involved. Photos and illus. (Dec.)