cover image Johnny Porno

Johnny Porno

Charlie Stella, . . Stark House, $15.95 (340pp) ISBN 978-1-933586-29-8

Set in New York City in 1973, Stella's vibrant seventh crime novel catches the cadence and daily grind of organized crime grunts. John Albano, who lost his carpenter job and his union card because he punched out his foreman, now collects cash receipts for the mob from illicit screenings of Deep Throat , the mob-produced pornographic film that reputedly would earn more than $600 million. Still struggling to pay his bills as well as child support for his beloved son, Albano considers getting more involved with the Mafia, despite his qualms. Stella (Mafiya ) tosses an eclectic cast of characters into the mix, including Albano's remarried ex-wife and police investigators looking into the mobster Albano reports to, Eddie Vento. Though implausible subplots at times threaten to overwhelm the main plot, admirers of Elmore Leonard and George V. Higgins will be happy. (Apr.)