cover image Wildflowers


Liniers. Toon, $12.95 (40p) ISBN 978-1-943145-53-9

After a plane crash, three sibling survivors—two seemingly older girls and a younger one sporting glasses and a pair of yellow boots—find marvels exploring an island’s jungle in this early reader graphic novel. “Look at these exotic plants,” says one of the older children, gazing at a wall of huge, colorful flowers. “What does ECK-STO-TICK mean?” asks the younger. A flower speaks to the young child (“You are surely the strangest wildflower I have ever seen!”). She reports it to her older sisters, one of whom objects: “But plants don’t talk!” She stands her ground: “These do because they are ECK-STO-TICK because they are in the jungle.” Unexpectedly, in this moment and in others, she persuades them. While their surreal discoveries provide the action, the girls’ closely observed interpersonal interactions add pleasure, too. Paneled art in ink and watercolor by Liniers (Good Night, Planet) imagines the lush greenery of the island in detail, with wildlife and dangers that quicken pulses before a gentle butterfly landing of an ending. Quirky and endearing, it’s a journey both internal and external. Ages 6–9. [em](Apr.) [/em]