cover image Habitats: A Journey in Nature

Habitats: A Journey in Nature

Hannah Pang, illus. by Isobel Lundie. 360 Degrees, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-944530-41-9

Fascinating findings and vibrantly textured, collage-like artwork propel this awe-inspiring tribute to Earth’s varied habitats—including Borneo’s rainforests, a desert in Namib, and the Andes mountains. Curated info about the landscapes’ denizens frequently impress—the atlas moth has “a wingspan as big as a dinner plate,” and antifreeze in the Patagonian dragon’s blood allows the insect to live on glaciers. Within each section, page turns reveal habitat layers: “mysterious ocean” spreads begin above eastern Australian coastal waters, for example, and page flips take readers through the sunlit zone, twilight zone, and deep sea. For the beginning naturalist, Pang and Lundie’s biodiversity bonanza offers fact-fueled fun. Ages 3–7. (Feb.)