cover image When I Look at the Sky, All I See Are Stars

When I Look at the Sky, All I See Are Stars

Steve Stred. DarkLit, $5.99 e-book (130p) ISBN 978-1-998851-31-7

Stred (The Father of Lies) delivers some graphic chills in this bite-sized work of psychological and supernatural horror. David Stewart, who claims to be 400 years old and possessed by an ancient evil, is the new patient of the acclaimed Dr. Rachel Hoggendorf in an unnamed institute. When her treatment of what she believes to be David’s multiple personality disorder results in bouts of violence, she calls in both a trusted colleague and a priest for help. David tells cryptic tales, most eerily the story of Rachel’s own rape and abortion, a well-kept secret he would have no reason to know. The longer Rachel works with David, the more she too begins to act strangely, leading her coworkers to wonder if David’s demon is real—and spreading. Uncanny rituals, corrupted religion, and erratic psychiatric patients are all time-honored horror staples, and while there’s nothing particularly fresh here, Stred plays the hits with gusto. Though some of the expository dialogue feels stilted, the scenes of bloody violence are lush and cinematic. Readers in the mood for some old-school jump scares will be satisfied. (June)