cover image Up High

Up High

Matt Hunt. Nosy Crow, $18.99 (32p) ISBN 979-8-88777-109-0

Size becomes delightfully relative when a father and child head out for their weekly city walk in this perspective-expanding picture book. During the outing, the child narrator’s simple but detailed first-person observations tend toward the sensate as the pale-skinned pair venture out, first clasping hands (“His hand feels warm”) and then with the child carried aloft on Dad’s shoulders (“His hair feels tickly”). After the pair arrive at a park, the subject’s point of view shifts amid observations of “Little things.// Tiny things.// Things that make me feel/ like a giant”—an effect that persists until Dad’s embrace holds space for a nap. With inky lines and crisp collage effects, Hunt’s vantage-shifting artwork provides a child’s-eye view of the walk, both “up high” and down low. It’s a gentle telling that models how, whether a child is feeling big or small, a father can help center with his support. Background figures are portrayed with various skin tones. Ages 2–5. (May)