The Quest for Belonging: How the Most Effective Nonprofit Leaders Understand the Psychology of Giving
Jeremy Beer. Post Hill, $28.99 (256p) ISBN 979-8-88845-468-8
This disappointing guide from Beer (Oscar Charleston), cofounder of the consulting firm AmPhil, expounds on how conservative nonprofits can improve their fundraising efforts. Encouraging organizations to “put a name and a face” on the individuals they help in communications with donors, Beer describes how a Catholic hospital system used uplifting patient stories when raising funds. To maintain relationships with major donors, Beer urges nonprofits to meet at least once per year with every individual who gives more than $1,000 and to bond with potential benefactors by accompanying them to church. Unfortunately, Beer often drifts off subject, as when he claims, without evidence, that declining marriage rates have increased disconnectedness and decries the alleged stinginess of “snotty” socialists. Throughout, he wears his conservatism on his sleeve and draws examples from such right-leaning organizations as the National Review and Hillsdale College, limiting the volume’s appeal beyond right-wing circles. Additionally, a significant proportion of the “effective nonprofit leaders” profiled work at Beer’s firm, giving the proceedings a self-congratulatory feel. This is best suited for those who share Beer’s politics. (July)
Reviewed on: 04/16/2024
Genre: Nonfiction