cover image Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Dennis Fertig. Albert Whitman & Company, $10.95 (40pp) ISBN 978-0-8075-7735-6

With spring training already underway, bookstore owners will want to stock up on this title and make sure parents see it when they come in to shop. The story, illustrated with black-and-white photographs, describes a day spent by Ryan and his father at Wrigley Field, where they watch the Braves trounce the Cubs. Underlying the story is an evocative portrait of father-son bonding. At the end of the day, Ryan reports, ""I was a little sad, but I still had lots of fun. My dad said that no matter who won, he liked seeing his second favorite team play, especially when he was with his favorite player. He meant me.'' The photos, and the fact that father and son are obviously not professional models, give the book a homemade feeling and authenticity. Ages 4-8. (March)