cover image Imperfect Angel

Imperfect Angel

Christi Barth. Entangled Amara, $15.99 trade paper (336p) ISBN 978-1-64937-211-6

For this lighthearted paranormal rom-com, Barth (Hottie on Her Shelf) introduces a trio of Niagara Falls Nephilim (half angels) who doggedly protect humanity from demonic forces. Lately, Rhys Boyce and his team have been extra busy: the Keeper of the Key to the Gates of Hell has died unexpectedly, leaving the key to his mortal niece, recently laid-off art teacher Maisy Norgate. Now working as a cupcake decorator, Maisy always looks for the silver lining, but she’s frustrated by her baffling inheritance from an uncle she never knew. Rhys quickly educates Maisy about her responsibilities to humanity—and it becomes much easier to believe his wild stories after escaped demons try to kill her. It’s Rhys’s task to insure her worthiness as the new Keeper, and though he initially doubts that someone so cheerful and sweet will be able to stand up to the armies of hell, Maisy soon surprises him with her gumption and determination. It’s a cute, breezy take on a classic paranormal setup. Readers will be excited to see all the Nephilim find their matches in the series to come. (Nov.)