cover image Four Ways to Wear a Dress

Four Ways to Wear a Dress

Gillian Libby. Sourcebooks Casablanca, $15.99 trade paper (320p) ISBN 978-1-72824-720-5

Libby’s promising debut follows a refreshing heroine who doesn’t have it all together. Millie Ward reluctantly moved to N.Y.C. for a “big girl job” in social media marketing. When she’s fired, she seizes the opportunity to leave the city—even though it means leaving two of her best friends, Kate and Bree. A lifelong surfer, Millie heads for the beach, deciding to visit the fourth member of their friend quartet, Quincy, in the picturesque California village of Peacock Bay, a hub of surfers and Instagram influencers. Among Peacock Bay’s lures is Quincy’s older brother, Pete Santana, with whom Millie’s always felt a spark, though she’s never approached him romantically due to her tendency to put her foot in her mouth. With the help of a lucky little black dress shared by all four friends, Millie rebuilds her life: jumping on a surfboard, gaining social media followers—and getting closer to affable hotel owner Pete. But a local queen bee’s strict rules about Peacock Bay’s online image threaten Millie’s newfound happiness. Millennial problems drive the conflict, but Millie and Pete’s chemistry feels timeless. Readers will root for their happiness and look forward to seeing each of Millie’s charming friends wear the dress in future outings. Agent: Joanna MacKenzie, Nelson Literary. (June)