cover image TV-Smart Book for Kids

TV-Smart Book for Kids

Peggy Charren. Dutton Books, $6.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-525-44249-3

Action for Children's Television has put together an activity book/calendar designed to help children think about programs and commercials, and show them how to make informed choices about what they watch. Those goals may sound didactic; the book is not. Hafner's cartoon characters caper through these pages, reminding readers of the good things about TV""It brings interesting people, places, and ideas right into your home''and the bad``kids who don't know people from different race, religious and national backgrounds are likely to believe what TV suggests about them.'' The balanced approach will appeal to children, as will the activities that bring the whole family together. The spiral binding is a handy touch; the price makes it accessible for everyone. What's unfortunate is that the millions of kids who watch TV, the ones who would most benefit from this book may not have a parent who's a member of the much smaller book-buying public. (7-12)