cover image Making It

Making It

Laura Kay. Vintage, $18 trade paper (384p) ISBN 978-0-593-47007-7

Kay (Wild Things) offers a compassionate look at the coming-of-age of a late bloomer who isn’t sure she even wants to flower. Recovering from years of debilitating depression, Issy sticks to things that make her feel safe: her quiet seaside town in England, her mother’s flat, and the love of her life—her chinchilla, Abigail. Whenever Issy needs to create something to push away the dark feelings, Abigail is her muse, which explains the hundreds of sketches and sculptures of the critter that fill her apartment. This singular focus catches the eye of a local artist and hometown success story, who offers Issy a year working in London as one of her production assistants. Suddenly thrust into the vibrant, challenging world of the city, Issy realizes how much she doesn’t know—including how to get closer to her stunning actress roommate Robin, how to win over her brusque colleague Aubrey, how to take care of herself and Abigail, and how to make art that matters in the face of it all. The inevitable romance takes a back seat to Issy’s journey of self-discovery, but Kay’s characters are delightfully human, deeply flawed, and trying to do right by each other anyway. The result is an uplifting hug of a story. (July)