cover image Not So Fast, Songololo

Not So Fast, Songololo

Niki Daly. Atheneum Books, $16 (30pp) ISBN 978-0-689-50367-2

The setting is South Africa and the names of the people are like poetry: Uzuti, Mongi, Mr. Motiki. Malusi is now old enough to accompany his grandmother, Gogo, into the city to shop. She is an old womanample, proud, not quite in step with modern technology, and she is no longer moves quickly. Malusi (Songololo to his grandmother) helps her with her shopping. It's a universally appealing shared experience. The love and respect that flows between the two is warm and beautiful, and Daly's watercolor and marker art is very expressive. When Daly writes, ""Gogo was old, but her face shone like new school shoes. Her hands were large and used to hard work, but they were gentle,'' her painting says all this and much more. (58)