cover image Lightning on a Quiet Night

Lightning on a Quiet Night

Donn Taylor. Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas (, $13.95 trade paper (314p) ISBN 978-1-941103-31-9

Taylor’s (Rhapsody in Red) powerful historical romance, set in a small, quirky Mississippi town in 1948, is filled with passion and heart, spiced with mystery and a keen understanding of the human condition. Lisa Kemper, a city girl from Illinois, is decidedly not a fan of Beneficence, Miss. The people are strange, their ways seem backward, and they cook their green beans way too long. Yet as an outsider looking in, Lisa is in the unique and perhaps enviable position of being able to see things others in the town would prefer not to address. Her status is never more evident than after the shocking murder of a promising young high school girl. Jack Davis is a man haunted by the war, working himself to the bone to pay for his family’s land after his parents’ untimely deaths. Their shared faith provides balm for the wound left by the murder. As certainly as the sun’s rising, Jack and Lisa are pulled together as they search for an understanding of change. Agent: Terry Burns, Hartline Literary Agency. (Nov.)