The Boggart Fights Back
Susan Cooper. S&S/McElderry, $16.99 (224p) ISBN 978-1-5344-0629-2
Arriving more than 20 years after Cooper’s The Boggart and The Boggart and the Monster, this magical misadventure finds a new generation of children meeting the “formless and ancient” sea creature Boggart and his cousin Nessie. Allie and Jay have traveled to Scotland from Canada to visit their “Granda,” Angus Cameron. They soon discover that a rather Trumpian business mogul, William Trout, plans to buy up land and local landmark Keep Castle (where the children’s ancestors once lived) in order to build an enormous resort, which would endanger nearby animals. After learning about the blustery American businessman’s scheme, the recently awakened Boggart and Nessie join forces with the humans to scare Trout away, but their mischievous tricks and transformations are no match for the tycoon’s ambitions, requiring them to solicit the help of other ancient creatures. Once again, Cooper cleverly combines European folklore with modern storytelling as she satirizes materialism and contemporary politics. Through her colorful characters, she salutes traditionalism and environmentalism and takes a sharp jab at greed. Ages 8–12. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 11/20/2017
Genre: Children's
Paperback - 304 pages - 978-0-241-32713-5