Come Out and Play, Little Mouse
Robert Kraus. Greenwillow Books, $16 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-688-05837-1
Like last year's Where Are You Going, Little Mouse?, this well-designed book is in vivid color, with humorously detailed illustrations. On Monday, a wily cat says to Little Mouse, ""Come out and play.'' The mouse replies: ``I can't play today . . . ask me tomorrow.'' The cat asks daily, and Little Mouse begs off daily, with good excuses each timeshopping, painting, laundry, homework, cleaning. On Saturday, Baby Mouse responds to his request, ``My big brother's busy, but I'll play with you.'' Just as readers may have suspected, that cat has definite plans, and it looks as if he'll get his way, until a dog appears! A surprising revelationand all's well that end's well. Exciting yet reassuring fare by a talented trio. Ages 3-6. (April)
Reviewed on: 03/31/1987
Genre: Children's
Hardcover - 978-0-688-05838-8
Hardcover - 32 pages - 978-0-8273-4504-1
Paperback - 32 pages - 978-0-688-14026-7
Prebound-Glued - 32 pages - 978-0-7857-6932-3
Prebound-Sewn - 32 pages - 978-0-606-07385-1