Arnie Goes to Camp
Nancy Carlson. Viking Children's Books, $11.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-670-81549-4
Last seen shoplifting (and thoroughly repentant) in Arnie and the Stolen Markers, Arnie heads to summer camp. It's all hereinitial homesickness, admiration for the ``neat'' camp counselor, Stretch, hearing scary stories around the campfire and learning camp songs. When it's over, Arnie is named ``Best New Camper.'' In this primer of the concerns and delights of going away from home for the first time, Carlson works in points about getting along with others: a boy named Ted seems a little obnoxious at first, but Arnie learns to enjoy his tricks. The colors of campwith all its ups and downsare bright, the feeling is genial, and the experience realistically presented. Ages 3-8. (April)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1988
Genre: Children's
Open Ebook - 32 pages - 978-0-7613-8956-9
Paperback - 32 pages - 978-0-7613-8947-7
Paperback - 320 pages - 978-0-14-050708-9