In Seriously... I’m Kidding, comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres riffs on finding life’s little happy moments and all the funny stuff in between.

How is your writing process different for a book versus for your TV show or standup work?

It’s a very different process for all three. For instance, I write all my books standing up. I write my TV show slightly reclined. And ironically, I wrote all of my standup while I was sitting down.

Even though this book will be read rather than heard—or watched—by your audience, do you ever read your work aloud while you’re writing?

The book can be heard and is available in audiobook format. Morgan Freeman and I read every other word so I think people are gonna like it. But I didn’t read aloud while I was writing because I wrote most of it at the public library and people were like, “Shhh, we’re trying to read,” and I was like, “You shhh, I’m trying to write.” I have got to get a computer at home.

Besides kale, what else is key to a happy life?

I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to get me to tell you what’s in my book for free. Nice try, Chuck. Right after the chapter about kale you’ll find a chapter about the key to happiness. That’s all I can say.

You’re a fan of making lists, especially pros and cons lists. What major issues could be solved with a simple pros and cons list?

I think it would be great for things like the economy, like whether or not to raise taxes. But it’s also helpful for really, really big issues like whether to spend a free hour watching Real Housewives of New Jersey or Real Housewives of New York.

Animal welfare is a cause close to your heart. Though you say you and wife Portia are sticking to animal rather than human children, any plans to add to your menagerie?

Yes. Wait, what’s a menagerie? Then no. Or maybe. We already have dogs, cats, mini horses and cows. There’s not a lot of room left in our bed. Especially because Portia sleeps in the middle and hogs all the covers. I don’t mean to drag you into the middle of this. But it’s true— she uses a menagerie of covers.

Animated sequels are all the rage. Do you foresee any diary entries that might contain the words “Finding Nemo 2” in your future?

I don’t know about diary entries, but I’d like to see billboards and movie posters with those words. And checks, where in the memo section it says, “For Finding Nemo 2.”

Even when you’re making a serious point, as in the dangers of stereotyping, you never lose your sense of humor. Do you think retaining that sense of humor is important when discussing such important issues?

Yes. Having a sense of humor is very important. It can help get you through some dark times and it just helps to have a more positive energy about everything. It’s definitely one of the keys to a happy life. Shoot, you got me. I just gave away Chapter 9.