Rick Perry, the Texas governor who made his presidential bid official on Saturday, is the focus of a new e-original from Crown called Rick Perry and His Eggheads: Inside the Brainiest Political Operation in America. The $0.99 e-book, which is a chapter from journalist Sasha Issenberg's forthcoming book The Victory Lab, focuses on the consulting strategy Perry used in his 2006 gubernatorial re-election campaign in Texas, which relied on data about the motivations behind peoples' voting decisions.

The Victory Lab, a Crown rep said, is more broadly about changing electoral strategies and "what actually gets people into the voting booth." The e-book will run a little over 10,000 words and Crown does not yet know if it will be sold in the general Kindle store or through the Kindle Singles store.

Issenberg's book comes out in the fall and the e-chapter explores what a group of social scientists from Yale provided for Perry and, according to Crown, how the approach "helped spark a revolution in campaign politics."