Morgan James Publishing, which dubs itself a house that functions on the "entrepreneurial" model, is partnering with Aerbook and the Retail Network to offer excerpts and sales of its titles via social media. Aerbook offers publishers “native commerce,” or the ability to embed their Twitter, Facebook and other social media posts with buy buttons and more.

Readers encountering Morgan James Publishing posts on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or other platforms, will be able to access excerpts of print titles and buy them right from their social media streams. In addition. MJP is using the Retail Network to allow anyone to put a general or specialized book storefront on their websites.

MJP offers a hybrid business model that it claims places it somewhere between traditional terms and self-publishing. The house offers a higher royalty (about 20%), monthly payment and small advances. MJP specializes in books that support entrepreneurs and new businesses, though the house also publishes fiction and books for kids. MJP released about 200 frontlist titles last year.

David L. Hancock, founder and CEO of MJP, said: "We are really excited to directly put our books into social streams within mobile devices readers carry with them during all waking hours. And by making our books available both for sale–and for selling–we’re ensuring that our authors and their books are broadly discoverable in this fast-evolving marketplace.”