The Klett Group is Germany’s leading private provider of educational and continued education services, with 67 companies at 33 locations in 15 countries. The portfolio comprises traditional textbooks, digital interactive learning solutions, professional literature, and fiction. The Klett Group is a leading private provider of educational and continued education services. Klett’s German and international schools and colleges enroll 185,000 students annually.

Publishing companies under the Klett Group include: Klett, ÖBV, Bange, AAP Lehrerfachverlage,Pons, Rokus Klett, Difusión, Klett und Balmer, Raabe, Klett-Cotta, Friedrich, Esslinger, Klett Kinderbuch, ILS, SGD, Euro-FH, and Klett Langenscheidt.

Analysis & Key Developments


2016 was a successful year with an increase in turnover of 42.2 million EUR. Revenues totaled 537.3 million EUR compared to 495 million EUR in 2015. The profit before taxes recorded growth of 5.4 million EUR and amounted to 22.5 million EUR (17.1 million EUR in 2015). Philipp Haußmann, CEO of Ernst Klett AG, noted “The Klett Group took another step forward on its way to becoming an all-encompassing educational company .”

In 2016 the largest share of revenues was again generated by the educational publishing segment, although revenues slipped slightly from 54.9% in 2015 to 53.5% during 2016. Meanwhile the adult and continued education segment together with On-site learning institutions expanded their position to 34.1% (30.4% in 2015). Furthermore the Klett’s share of revenues was divided by the following segments: professional information (8.9%), cultural publications (2.6%), sales and distribution (0.8%) and other parts (0.1%).

All in all, the Group again closed the financial year above last year’s level. Klett’s catalogue included 47,106 titles, with 3,429 new titles in 2016.

Internal Organization

Thomas Baumann switched from the executive board of the Ernst Klett AG to Klett’s board of directors in October 2016. Simultaneously Lothar Kleiner, since 2008 managing director of the Deutsche Weiterbildungsgesellschaft mbH, moved up to the executive board. The executive board also includes Philipp Haußmann (spokesman of the board) and Tilo Knoche.


With the acquisition of the Cologne Business School (CBS) and the European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH) in January 2016, the education company was able to strengthen and expand its position in the market.

In January 2017 the company announced its interest to buy the teacher and information business of Stark Verlag.


Klett offers a steadily growing number of digital products for students and teachers in Germany and abroad. Furthermore Klett is concerned about the future of digital publishing rights, in order to safeguard its economic, organizational and technical services in the long term.

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