A filmmaker sets the scene for a new bookstore in rural North Carolina; a mystery writer gets a bookstore of his own in Georgia; and more.

Book & Table Opens in Valdosta, Ga.: Last Wednesday, mystery writer Mike Orenduff (the Pot Thief series) held a ribbon cutting ceremony for his new bookstore and cafe.

Bookstore Coming to Murfreesboro, N.C.: Film director Caroline Stephenson, who moved back to her rural hometown (pop. 2,860), plans to open a bookstore there in August. To do so she is looking for $7,500 through an Indiegogo campaign, which will pay for one year’s rent and other startup costs. “By contributing to this project,” Stephenson wrote, “you can help mitigate some of the damage done in the past 20 years caused by big box stores and jobs moving overseas. Cultivator adds to the local economy, instead of taking away. “

Browse Awhile Plans to Rebuild: After a devastating fire last month destroyed the 1871 historic building in Tipp City, Ohio, that housed the bookstore, bookstore and building owner Bill Jones has vowed to rebuild and preserve the look of the original bookstore. He is still in the midst of salvaging books from the store, and he is optimistic that he will be able to salvage as much as two-thirds or three-quarters of the inventory.