PW Comics World, Publishers Weekly’s regular email newsletter on graphic novel and comics publishing, is increasing its frequency to twice a month. Beginning March 5 2014, the newsletter will go out on the first and third Wednesdays of every month.

We’re also adding a couple of new features to our comics coverage, including Crowdwatch, a new column that will highlight some of the most interesting and dynamic comics project looking for funding through Kickstarter, Indie GoGo and other crowdfunding platforms. Future features include more round-ups of hot (or sometimes whimsical) trends we spot in comics publishing, our continuing series on newsmakers in the comics business and much more. As we say on our podcast, there is always more to come.

Originally launched in 2005, PW Comics World will continue to bring you news, business trends, features and interviews focused on the world of comics and graphic novel publishing and especially on the artists that make these amazing works possible.