Diana Wynne Jones, . . HarperTrophy, $5.99 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-06-447356-9
Trouble starts to brew when a boy returns home from school to find a Goon unwilling to move until his author father pays the thug's boss 2,000 words.
Reviewed on: 03/10/2003
Genre: Children's
Hardcover - 241 pages - 978-0-688-02582-3
Hardcover - 336 pages - 978-0-06-029889-0
Mass Market Paperbound - 978-0-425-09888-2
Mass Market Paperbound - 978-0-441-02892-4
Open Ebook - 336 pages - 978-0-06-224340-9
Other - 978-0-00-750841-9