Books by Amy E. Dean and Complete Book Reviews

Amy E. Dean, Author Pharos Books $15.95 (133p) ISBN 978-0-88687-615-9
This unsent, one-sided correspondence was written by Massachusetts resident Dean ( Night Light ), an adoptee and former foster child, at age 31 after she decided to seek her natural mother, and records her brief search for, reunion and unrewarding...
Amy E. Dean, Author Berkley Publishing Group $13 (277p) ISBN 978-0-425-15448-9
Dean isn't a psychologist, a cleric, a family counselor or a social scientist. She relies on secondary sources, makes sketchy generalizations and repeatedly uses impact as a verb. But this book is nonetheless filled with real common sense and...
Amy E. Dean, Author, Countrysport Press, Author M. Evans and Company $15 (160p) ISBN 978-0-87131-821-3
Neither ranting angrily about political issues nor waxing rhapsodic about the beauty of nature, Dean (Caring for the Family Soul, etc.) creates a new kind of environmental handbook. Full of facts relating to everything from zoo conditions to waste...
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