Books by Ezra Bayda and Complete Book Reviews

Ezra Bayda, Author . Shambhala $21.95 (198p) ISBN 978-1-59030-543-0
This is a lovely book for advanced students of Buddhism. It won't do much for beginners, however, because it's simply too interior. Those who haven't had exposure to the strange quarries that the mind in meditation may chase may well...
Ezra Bayda, Shambhala, $21.95 (176p) ISBN 978-1-59030-825-7
This gentle, introspective approach to finding happiness is based on asking three questions when confronted by life's difficulties: "Am I truly happy right now? If not, what blocks it? Can I surrender to what is?" Bayda (Zen Heart) deconstructs...
Ezra Bayda, Author, Charlotte Joko Beck, Foreword by . Shambhala $21.95 (160p) ISBN 978-1-57062-856-6
Novice author and veteran meditator Bayda writes with exceptional clarity and simplicity about the awakened life. Bayda is a recognized teacher in the Ordinary Mind Zen School founded by Charlotte Joko Beck (who provides the foreword), and he has a...
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