Books by Frank Furedi and Complete Book Reviews

Frank Furedi, Author . Chicago Review Press $14.95 (234p) ISBN 978-1-55652-464-6
A sociologist at the University of Kent, author (The Culture of Fear), and father of a six-year-old, Furedi doesn't tout his Ph.D. on his book jacket, perhaps to distance himself from the "experts" he hopes to topple here. Furedi argues...
Frank Furedi, Author . Continuum $24.95 (204p) ISBN 978-0826499578
Author and University of Kent sociologist Furedi (Culture of Fear Revisited ) stakes out a bold position in this exploration of the war on terror—in particular, its “self-fulfilling prophecy” effect, inspiring fear and passivity regardless of...
Frank Furedi, Author, Continuum International Publishing Group, Manufactured by Continuum $27.95 (197p) ISBN 978-0-8264-8728-5
Furedi, prolific author and professor of sociology at the University of Kent at Canterbury, wants people to believe in themselves again and to govern accordingly-in short, to stop being afraid. Trite as that may sound, Furedi's arguments are cogent,
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